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Dengue is Curable but with Your Help

He showed me 1200 rupees price tag while coming out of try room in city best mall and then we both laughed looking in the mirror when he said, ‘But I wore it once and where is your screen broken 2nd hand Motorola, make the best selfie of you and me’.

Sir, we have more variety in same stuff, you try this.

No, this seems the best and I want the same design and stuff in round neck. We shall come again when your new stock arrives.

While unrolling his hundredth time worn shirt sleeve, he said. Bring a match box, I just found this half cigarette in the way and show me our today’s selfie. Young and carefree, our days were passing in the best possible entertainment. We had no work but life was the best in that poverty in one of the worst slump areas of the city. Garbage everywhere and in summer, it becomes the worst living conditions with mosquitoes and flies everywhere.

A call on my cell, salman’s mother telling me of salman’s fever and weakness as I went to another city 2 days ago. I took the first available bus and went back home, his home before going to own home from the bus station. He was so weak and pale in complexion, burning with fever. I took him to the nearest government hospital in raksha. Doctor told, he is suffering from dengue fever and its swerve.

He was just 23 in age but he was healthy, day by day he was becoming weaker and weaker. Spent 2 nights in the hospital with him, they discharged him saying we have nothing to do to cure him. We gave him medicines daily. He was weak but always tried to fight against his disease telling me, let me get well…I have seen an advertisement of a new shopping mall, we shall go there the day, I get up from this bed. For another incomplete purchase, the words came with a deep voice like a deadly shadow on his face and tears from my eyes. In 2 weeks, he has expired leaving tears and sorrows.

The area became like a graveyard for me and within 2 months, I came to Karachi. Got a job and started a life here but there was something inside me ever compelling me, why did he not be cured. Just a disease and why there was no cure. I met with doctors and relevant people who told me, there is the cure of dengue fever. May be it was not available in your area, in your city. I made up my mind that I shall do something for this disease, for the people living in that area. Met with people and also found some partners, registered a trust with the objective to make a hospital in our area so no other will die, no other salman because of lack of facilities.

This trust is run from funds. We found some international donors too and local donors helped us a lot. All accounts of trust are available for everyone in our registered office. Hospital land is purchased which is a donation of area’s MNA. Our objective is to provide free of cost treatment to the poor and needy.

Our cause is good. Those people are deserving and needy against this disease and living conditions in that area requires a hospital of a good standard to fight against dengue fever. We welcome you to donate for this cause and get prayers of many which are rare now a days.

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