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On 27-04-2017

Pen it

A Short Fiction Story

And Win a Prize of $ 500

2nd Prize $ 250

Writing Competition

Topic can be


  • Fiction story derived from your culture

  • Bedtime story / Ask your grandmother kind of

Rules to be Observed


  • Total words 300-500

  • Can submit in word / jpg / gif formats

  • Write some new, by your own…copy/paste will be your wastage of effort and time

​Some Helpful Hints


  • Story must be written on a writing plot.


  • Develop interest of reader


  • Plus points for some result oriented. Lesson can be learnt from it

Free Participation


Last Date of Submission : 30-04-2017


Winner's Announcement : 10-05-2017


Submit your entries to this e-mail address :


Story Not in Competition

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